Attendance Register meaning, definition of attendance register , types of attendance register, purpose of attendance register, importance and need of attendance register, precautions, average student attendance percentage (Goshwara), student attendance register pdf, all information regarding student attendance register –

Attendance register
Attendance Register :- Student Attendance and Teacher Attendance Register is a powerful and motivating initiative and record to ensure regular and continuous attendance in school. Attendance register is the factual evidence in the school.
types of attendance register
The types of attendance register are as follows –
1. | teacher attendance register |
2. | student attendance register |
3. | employee attendance register |
(1) Teacher Attendance Register:- In this, the names of all the employees working in the institution are recorded according to their seniority and after recording the time of arrival and departure every day, the employee puts his short signature. When on leave, the head of the institution marks the type of leave in red ink.
(2) Student Attendance Register:- Student attendance is maintained by the class teacher who usually has the first class in that class and he registers the attendance. In the student register, the class teacher marks the attendance twice a day and in case of leave or absence, marks are recorded with red permanent.
(3) Employee Attendance Register:- In this attendance register, the attendance of all the employees working in the school is recorded.
Importance of attendance register
Importance of Attendance Register:- The form of attendance system is positive. It is strictly followed by the heads of the institutions with immediate effect. Also, in future, physical verification of all types of records related to student’s attendance in school is ensured through the attendance registers maintained as above and the data entered in Shala Darpan portal. During the school inspection, all the probation officers observe the situation regarding compliance of appropriate instructions in maintaining the student attendance register and record the corresponding comments in the inspection report.
need of attendance register
need of attendance register :-
- To know the student attendance in the class.
- To know the attendance status of students of all classes to the teacher and school head.
- To develop the habit of regularity and reaching class on time in the students.
- Absent students can be monitored and explanations sought from the student and his/her parents
- It helps schools understand the average attendance percentage of students attending school each day in a given year.
purpose of attendance register
Main Objectives/purpose of Attendance Register:- Student Attendance Register is used to check which students are attending the classes and it helps in maintaining narrative records of the students for the entire academic year. Apart from this, it also helps in reducing the workload of teachers and also saves time. Uniformity and transparency in attendance are the main objectives of the attendance register.
average student attendance percentage (Goshwara)
Average student attendance percentage (Goshwara) or monthly Goshwara of students’ attendance –
Average Attendance = Total Attendance / Total Meetings
Average student strength or average daily attendance = Total student attendance of this month / Total meeting number of this month
To find out the percentage of student attendance, divide the average student attendance by the sum of the total number of students and multiply it by 100.
Average Percentage Attendance = Average Student Attendance/Sum of Total Student Number X100%
How to calculate average student attendance?

How to calculate average monthly attendance?
Average Attendance = Total Attendance / Total Meetings
Precautions to be taken in attendance register
Precautions to be taken in the attendance register and some important things and instructions regarding completion of the attendance register – rules of maintaining attendance register
- The attendance of all the students should be taken regularly during the time fixed for taking attendance.
- The first meeting should be attended during the prayer meeting/first period and the second meeting should be attended after the last period.
- Numbers 1,2,3,4…… should be written in attendance. The letter ‘A’ should be written for absence. If the student has obtained leave by sending a medical certificate or an application for leave in the name of the head of the institution, then in place of absence, letters like SL/L have to be written.
- Always, the supplies should be made directly in the register; due to cleanliness or any other consideration, the supplies should not be made on a separate paper and then made in the register.
- The entries in the register should always be made with ink only, not with pencil, nor should the ink be changed after writing with pencil.
- No supply should be left blank.
- No entry should be erased or crossed out in the register. If there is any mistake, it should be crossed out with ink and the correction should be made separately in red ink and signed nearby.
- Attendance should be taken twice daily (two meetings).
- The total of attendance in each month should be given in the register.
- Whenever there is a holiday of half a day or a whole day, the reason for the holiday should be written by drawing a line from top to bottom in the boxes.
- If the holidays are for a longer period then write the reason for the holidays in the boxes.
- The attendance register should always be kept clean.
- The supplies which are left till the end of the month, should be completed as soon as the month ends and the register should be prepared in every way for inspection.
- The total attendance, absence and leave should be totaled per meeting. In this way, the total attendance, absence and leave should be totaled at the end of the month also.
- Attendance should be recorded on national festivals and Sundays and other holidays should be taken in the respective date column.
- The student’s enrollment number should be mentioned on the attendance page every month.
- On the initial pages of the register, student related information, fee details along with receipt number and date, the basis for fee exemption, should be mentioned.
- The examination result of each student must be marked in the attendance register on the page of the last month of the session.
what did I learn
- Learned how to take attendance and enter completions in the attendance register.
- Understand the format of attendance register and learned how to enter entries and leave the goshwara.
- Learned to know and keep in mind the necessary guidelines related to attendance register and appropriate precautions related to it.
attendance register Format
students attendance register format pDF

teacher attendance register format pDF

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