awareness campaign

awareness campaign

Introduction :- Awareness campaigns are playing a vital role in reaching out to the community and preparing them to deal with disasters by properly training them, which can reduce the devastating impacts to a great extent.

Meaning of Awareness Campaign :- Awareness campaign is a way of increasing the level of information or knowledge among targeted people on a topic. Awareness campaign is a method directed at creating or increasing awareness among a relatively large audience.

Approaches and Models:- Let us consider the various approaches commonly used in awareness campaigns. These can be classified into five broad categories –

  • Personal Communication / Communication
  • Education
  • Public Relations
  • Public Communication / Communication
  • Advocacy

Education:- To achieve long term benefits, awareness campaigns should be organised in such a way that the audience is given the motivation and skills to change their habits/behaviours. Education can be a very effective approach in creating awareness

  • Two types of education are appropriate for awareness-raising campaigns:
    1. Formal education :- Content and skills included in school curriculum.
    2. Informal education :- Workshops, presentations and other approaches designed primarily to impart information and skills to adults.

In conclusion:- It can be said that awareness campaigns are to be conducted by providing training, workshops and formal, non-formal educational programmes to the trainees in the local schools, universities, adult education centres and libraries and also by presenting mobile exhibitions and displays.

Tree plantation was done in the school as part of the public awareness program. Before the tree plantation program, permission was taken from the school principal and the program was successfully organized under his guidance.

In which all the staff and students participated. Plants were planted after selecting a suitable place for plantation. The principal and the staff assured to take care of the plants and the students were given the responsibility. All the students completed this task with interest.

Benefits of tree plantation:- Improves environment, beautifies, prevents soil erosion. Also prevents natural disasters. Purifies the environment etc.

What I learned:- The main objective of tree plantation under the tree plantation activity as part of public awareness program was to promote awareness among students towards environmental protection.

इसी प्रकार आपको B.Ed. से संबंधित सारी अपडेट एवं महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी देखने के लिए जिसमे B.Ed. Program से संबंधित होने वाली सारी शैक्षणिक व सह शैक्षणिक गतिविधियों की सम्पूर्ण जानकारी के साथ साथ उनकी पीडीएफ़ व अन्य संबंधित मेटेरियल उपलब्ध है – ये सब देखने के लिए B.Ed. Page पर विज़िट करे – CLICK HERE

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