Technique Of Yoga

Technique of yoga

There are many methods of Yoga catering to the needs of different persons in society to bring about the transformation of the individual. They are broadly classified into four streams. Swami Vivekananda puts them as work, worship, philosophy and psychic control.

1. Karma Yoga: This path of working in relaxation involves doing action with an attitude of detachment to fruits of action. This makes man release himself from the strong attachments thereby brings in him a steadiness of mind, which verily is Yoga’-Samatvam yogah Uchyate’. Instruments of action and understanding (karmendriyas and Janendriyas) get cleansed.

2. Bhkati Yoga: the control of emotions is the key in the path of worship that involves pure love to the divine and is characterized by total surrender. In the age of globalization, man is tossed up and down due to emotional onslaughts. The path of Bhakti is boon to gain control over emotional instabilities by properly harnessing the involved in it.

3. Jnana Yoga: The present age of science has made man a rational being. Intellectual sharpness is imminent. Analysis forms the tool. The path of philosophy (Jnana Yoga) is apt for the keen intellectuals and is centered around the analysis of “happiness”. The vital contribution of Upanishads. Also many other fundamental questions regarding the mind, the outside and inside world and the reality are taken up. Basic questions are raised even involving the intellect itself to reach the very basis of intellect.

4. Raja Yoga: Culturing of mind is the key for success in almost all endeavors in our lives. This Yoga of ‘mind culture or psychic control (Raja Yoga) gives a practical and easy approach to reach higher states of consciousness. It is based on the Ashtanga Yoga (Eight limbed Yoga consisting of Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi) of Patanjali’s Yoga system. The first five are called bhiranga Yoga and dharama, dhyana and Samadhi are antaranga Yoga.

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